Non-Member Deposit CD Issuance

Issuing non-member deposits is a quick and effective way to raise funds without diminishing your credit unions borrowing capacity.

The SimpliCD Issuance program provides your credit union with the ability to issue federally insured share certificates to other credit unions. 

Some of the benefits include:

  • Centralized way to generate liquidity
  • Deposits of $100,000 to $50 million or more
  • Access to largest pool of credit union investors, over 4,300 credit unions
  • No subscription, broker, or transaction fees
  • Safety of working with a credit union owned entity
  • As easy as opening any other customer account
  • Works seemlessly through your corporate account

Another great benefit is that SimpliCD is owned and operated by Primary Financial Company LLC, a credit union service organization owned jointly by several corporate credit unions, including yours.

To learn more about SimpliCD Issuance, email